Our goal is simple: Juvenile Justice.
The Juvenile Justice Association of Texas was established October, 1999. Its goal is to promote advocacy for Texas children by providing quality Juvenile Services. In the fall of 1999 approximately 1500 surveys were mailed randomly to various Juvenile Justice Professionals across the State to evaluate the need and interest in a new Association. An Initial meeting was held during which time the surveys were tallied and reviewed by the work group. It was found that the majority of the surveys reflected an overwhelming interest in the formation of a Juvenile Justice Association. Focus then turned to a purpose and plan of action. The development of by-laws, membership criteria and organizational structure was completed that same year. In December, 1999, our interim Board of Directors was chosen by the work group. Amador Rodriguez (Cameron County) accepted the nomination of President, Estela Medina (Travis County), Vice President, and Debra Byler (Fayette County), Treasurer. Timelines were scheduled for membership drive, recruitment, establishing non-profit status and completion of by-laws.
In January, 2000, the organization began with approximately 40 members. In February, 2000, the first official Board of Director/General Assembly membership meeting was held in Corpus Christi, TX. In October 2000, the 1st Annual JJAT/TJDA Co-Conference was held in San Antonio, Texas. The first award was presented at the luncheon on Tuesday, October 17. The Amador R. Rodriquez Award was presented to Elva Chapman of Ellis County and Estela Medina of Travis County for their great work in the Juvenile Justice field.
Currently JJAT holds bi-annual conferences around the state with the primary focus of serving professionals in the juvenile justice field.
The Juvenile Justice Association of Texas Board of Directors
Joanne Bradley
Kendall County
204 E. San Antonio #11
Boerne, Texas 78006
William Carter
Lubbock County
2025 N. Akron
Lubbock, Texas 79415
Brandon Borski
Cen-Tex Regional Juvenile Probation Department
108 South Park, Ste: 211
Brenham, Texas 77833
Jessica Carter
P.O. Box 98715
Lubbock, Texas 79499
Shanna Floyd
100th Judicial District
P.O. Box 37
Panhandle, Texas 79068
Ashley New
Cen-Tex Regional Juvenile Probation Department
108 South Park, STE: 211
Brenham, Texas 77833
Chet Thomas
Smith County
2630 Morningside Dr.
Tyler, Texas 75708
Kristi McQuiston
Jack/Wise Counties
401 Rock Ramsey Drive
Decatur, Texas 76234
Tommy Parker
Grayson County
86 Dyess
Denison, Texas 75020
Emily Lane
Anderson County
1120 E. Crawford
Palestine, Texas 75801
Veronica Berry
Shelby County
305 Nacogdoches St.
Center, Texas 75935
Stephanie Fowler
Dallam County
P.O. Box 9375
Dalhart, Texas 79022
Scott Winn
Hockley County
1212 Houston St., Room 2
Levelland, Texas 79336
Matt Haynie
Bandera County
267 Old San Antonio Highway
Bandera, Texas 78003
Joe Paniagua
Travis County
2515 S. Congress
Austin, Texas 78704
Christie Gonzales
Winkler County
P.O. Box 822
Kermit, Texas 79745
Karina Browning
Upton/Regan County
P.O. Box 1706
Fort Stockton, Texas 79735
Sherrie Barratt
Grimes County
P.O. Box 270
Anderson, Texas 77830
Youlanda Lane
Angelina County
P.O. Box 222
Lufkin, Texas 75902
Sandy J. Pippin-Gomez
Zapata County
603 Hidalgo St.
Zapata, Texas 78076
Luis Lejia
Calhoun County
201 W. Austin St. #9
Port Lavaca, Texas 77979
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